Greetings Parents and Guardians,
I, along with my administrative team, would like to welcome you to Allendale Elementary School.
We hope you have had a safe and healthy summer so far. As you may be aware, all Melvindale- Northern Allen Park Public Schools will be going online for instruction in the fall. I realize virtual learning is completely different from traditional in-person learning, I can assure you our district has been preparing for this possibility since March. We are ready! Although learning for now will be virtual, this will be an exciting year filled with many new learning opportunities and fun experiences for your child.
First and foremost, be assured we will be doing our very best to maintain a sense of normalcy and calm while educating your children. Children have many questions, and we will do our best to take care of them academically, socially and emotionally. Please be assured that safety and keeping our students healthy and protected at all times is our number one priority. Our staff has taken extra precautions in keeping our building safe and will continue to do so daily and throughout the rest of the school year.
We encourage you to frequently visit our webpage and follow our social media for up-to-date and accurate information. There are multiple documents to help answer questions you may have on our website under COVID-19 Updates. The Melvindale-Northern Allen Park Distance Learning Plan, MelNAP Continuity of Learning plan, MelNAP Preparedness and Response Plan and letter from the superintendent, Dr. Soranno can all be found there.
As we continue on our plan for the 2020-2021 school year, we would like to thank you for your continued support and positivity as we strive to do what is best for ALL of our students and employees during these challenging times. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have. We are here to serve you.
Shannon Luppino, Principal
Allendale Elementary School “Virtual” Policies
This is an exciting, yet sometimes stressful time for you and your child, so having policies in place is important in assuring the best experience possible for everyone involved. Please review each policy closely and feel free to call the school if you have questions or need clarification.
Virtual classes for all students will start on Monday, August 31, 2020. Your child’s virtual schedule is included.
Assignments will be posted Monday morning for the entire week on the grade level web page under assignments and on your child’s google classroom. It is expected that parents will check for assignments and help keep their child on track. Teachers and mentors will also be providing reminders and assistance when needed.
The school office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The school phones are answered beginning at 8:00 a.m. Please leave a message if you call before or after school hours. There will be someone in the office all week. When coming into the school, a mask is required and please practice social distancing.
During the second week of school, you will be able to come to the school to pick up educational resources and materials. Please follow the schedule below. Supply lists are posted on our school website: Allendale Elementary School under each grade level. If you need supplies we will have some at school during materials pick-up for those families that need them.
- September 8th: 2nd grade 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- September 9th: 3rd grade 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- September 10th: 4th grade 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- September 11th: 5th grade 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Every student will receive a Chromebook from our Melvindale Technology Department. This will be done by family at Melvindale High School as well as Allendale on August 21st, 24th, and 25th, from 8:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Only 1 family will be allowed per classroom for deployment. Social distancing measures will be in effect for all participants, families and staff. Masks are required to be worn at all times. You will sign up for a time to get your device. Please look for this information on our District Website and Facebook page.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020 will be our “Virtual Open House.” Your child’s classroom teacher will provide a virtual invitation to the Open House to all parents.
- 2nd grade: 6:00 p.m. - 6:25 p.m.
- 3rd grade: 6:30 p.m. - 6:55 p.m.
- 4th grade: 7:00 p.m. - 7:25 p.m.
- 5th grade: 7:30 p.m. - 7:55 p.m.
Patricia Strauss and Kristyn Bryson are our School Social Workers. If you feel that your child could benefit from working with one of our social workers please contact the school. All of our teachers will be providing mini lessons dealing with COVID-19 and social and emotional learning. These lessons will be age appropriate and will focus on social and emotional well-being.
It is very important that we have accurate and up-to-date contact information for every student. In order to receive your students' materials and books, a short Emergency Care Form will need to be filled out on site, please have phone numbers and a current email address available when filling out the form. We appreciate your cooperation during the materials pick up times. If you need to make any changes to your contact information after filling out the Emergency Care Form, please contact Allendale at 313-389-4664.
Class Dojo is the primary tool used to communicate in 2nd - 5th grade. For questions and concerns, students and parents may contact their child’s teacher during office hours through Class Dojo and email. Parents are encouraged to meet with their teacher during this time to share any questions and concerns they may have. If you cannot use Class Dojo to communicate and would like to meet virtually, please provide 24 hour notice to set up a Google Meet session. School hours every day are: M - F: 8:30 am - 3:55 pm. If you contact teachers outside of the work day, they will get back to you the next business day.
Email addresses are found on Allendale Elementary School’s website:
Office Hours will be held for parents and students for each grade level during the listed times below:
- 2nd grade: Monday - Friday 9:00 - 9:30 a.m.
- 3rd grade: Monday - Friday 3:15 - 3:55 p.m.
- 4th grade: Monday - Friday 2:15 - 2:45 p.m.
- 5th grade: Monday - Friday 2:45 - 3:15 p.m.
Allendale Elementary School will send out information through the classroom teachers Dojo account, email address, and phone numbers through ROBO calls. Report Cards will be mailed to the address on file. Every parent needs to sign up for Class Dojo, information for this will be provided by your child’s classroom teacher.